     The day before our beach wedding, the hubby & I followed our photographers around the gorgeous island of Aruba to "Trash the Dress!"  It was probably the best part of the entire trip!  Scott, Adina, & Hunter's talent are beyond words and their photos are jaw dropping gorgeous!   
     The anticipated email finally arrived today!  Our pictures have been blogged by the ever talented Hayne Photographers!  I just wanted to share with you the fabulous pictures and to let everyone know how much we highly recommend the Haynes as photographers!  Not only are they talented, but they are truly sincere, down to earth people, who Jeff and I consider great friends after sharing this wonderful milestone in our lives!!  Much love goes to them and they're work!!
     So check out the blog...
     So today is the fiance's birthday (I will blog about this event later), but he got the best present today- a blog post of our engagement photos!!  He received an email from our photographers saying they posted the pics.  So while sitting in our hotel room, we quickly rushed to his blog, Scott Hayne.  The pictures are amazing...I can't get over how great they turned out.  Jeff and I checked out our proofs before going to dinner and realized we had too many favorites!!  We just decided that we'd buy the rights and keep them all!!
     Here are the pics!  What do you think...AMAZING, huh?
...and if you look close enough, our wedding date is shown in the meter!!  I love our photogs!!